Blog Archive

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Katie! {personal} | Surrey, BC Pet Photographer

It is my Katie's 3rd birthday today!
I LOVE my dogs. Yup, I have turned into one of those crazy dog people.
I met Katie when she was only 4 days old and picked her out of her litter because she was so adorable and I loved her white patch on her chest, which distinguished her from the rest of the litter. She has been a great dog and makes me smile
Katie is extremely smart, can do an assortment of tricks, understands a ton of English, loves to snuggle and can play fetch all day long.

Here she is at 4 weeks old (2006). Excuse my craptastic photography skills back in the day!

Some snaps from today:

Just one of Isa because I didn't want to leave her out!

1 comment:

bcgal00 Rae said...

Adorable photos Trina! I just love doggie shots!