Blog Archive

Monday, November 23, 2009

Chunky Monkey! {sneak peek} | Vancouver, BC Baby Photographer

I had a session today with such a cute little guy! Mom said he was having an off day, but I think we captured some very cute expressions!
Thanks for the session today, here is your sneak peek!

Here is their dog!


Shannon's goals said...

AWWWW what a cutie! beautiful images!

Anonymous said...

Love the big blue eyes and happy smiles!! What a cutie!

Jenn said...

These made me smile! He looks like he has quite the personality. Beautiful work!

Kathleen Hunter said...

what a cutie pie!!! These are wonderful images!

angela crutcher said...

What an adorable little guy! Love his big smile and beautiful eyes!

annieg said...

Oh my goodness, what a beautiful little boy! That second image is tdf!!

Kristin Rachelle said...

Oh my cuteness!! great job!

Michelle-J said...

Oh.My.Heck. These are so great!! Those eyes...that smile....the dog!!! Love them!