Blog Archive

Friday, June 5, 2009

About Me!

Welcome to my photography blog! You will find all my recent work, client sneak peeks, personal snapshots, and daily ramblings posted here.

My passion is photography, plain and simple. I sleep, dream, breathe, obsess and desire it. I love kids and really enjoy capturing them as they are, innocent and full of life. My style of photography can be described in one word...SIMPLE. I like to focus on my subject without other things getting in the way and taking any attention away from the beautiful person I am photographing.

I have no children of my own, but do have two furry little kids. I am also a Registered Nurse, another field I put my heart into. Aside from photography, I love to travel, be outside, summer, the ocean, ice-cream, friends, family, animals, starbucks, pina-colada's, learning, reading, life...the list could go on!

I have just launched my official business! See my website for further information and specials! I am located in the Surrey/Langley area of BC. Feel free to look around and leave me some comments...I love 'em! Thanks for stopping by....Trina

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