Blog Archive

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Europe/NYC trip pictures!

I finally decided it was time to post my favorite trip pictures. It has been almost 3 months since I returned from my Europe/NYC trip and am still believe it or not processing them! I have been a bit on the slow side, but it didn't help that my old laptop bit the dust and I had most of my trip pictures stuck inside it until my computer friend retrieved them for me. Anyway, here are a few of my most favorite pictures from my trip of a lifetime!

Times Square, NYC. Our hotel was literally right here!

Manhattan skyline and Brooklyn Bridge, taken from Brooklyn.

The Statue of Liberty herself!

London, UK. I am not always a fan of selective coloring, but I think it works here.

Tower Bridge, London.

Parliament buildings and Big Ben, London. Picture taken from the London Eye.

London Eye

Streets of Venice, Italy

Venice, Italy

Gondola's in Venice, picture was taken from a gondola so it is a bit soft.

St. Mark's square in Venice

St. Peter's Square in Vatican City, Italy

Trevi Fountain, Rome

Colliseum, Rome, Italy

Florence, Italy

Florence, city of art!

Florence at sunset, stunning!

Leaning tower of Pisa! Pisa, Italy

Eiffel Tower! Paris, France

Eiffel was beautiful!! It was lit up blue!

Another view, really can you take too many pictures of THE Eiffel Tower?? I don't think so!


stefanycmt said...

Your pictures from Europe are amazing! I seen your blog link in a post at two peas and I too am an aspiring photographer. I really like the pics of London and Italy. You did a really nice job of capturing the moment with those. I hope everything works out for you starting the new business. I hope to get going with mine in the next year or so! Take care!

Trina said...

Thank you so much! Good luck to you too!